Monday, March 22, 2010

Hurt Locker

Intense situations, lots of action and drama and sentiments of the US Marines on the very ground zero: that is basically it from the movie. Nothing too unusual in the movie. Anyone who has seen Jarhead,Enemy at the gates,Saving Private Ryan and such war movies, would find this flick quite similar. The new thing is probably the story of a bomb squad, which I have not seen being depicted in a movie previously. There is a situation when, during a bomb deactivation operation, a stray car comes in close proximity of the area. It creates a really tense situation! Similarly another situation worth mentioning is, when a couple of marines keep a stray enemy building at close watch and there is long range gun fight. The soldiers dont loose the sight of the slightest movement in the building for hours and at the end of it, the exhaustion shows. Again, one of the marines come back for a break in US and do the usual jobs of a household, talks to his child and talks about his feelings..the scene imparts the emotional side of the marine. Overall, good movie but Oscar winner? I don't quite agree.

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