Monday, March 22, 2010


This one is a stunner. Morgan Freeman is at his usual class. Story of South African rugby team which wins the World Cup in 1995. A team which was not supported by the locals because it represented mainly whites. This was the complex situation when the World cup was going to be held. The way the then president Mandela (Freeman) uses this opportunity to unite the blacks and the whites of SA and sends the message to the world is the theme of the movie. Mandela sends the rugby team for a visit to the island where Mandela and others were imprisoned. That is when the captain of the team realises and inspires from. A hugely motivational story of a leader to unite the people of the country and emotional display of passion and determination for the land. Watch out for the recitation of the poem 'Invictus' in the background. Must see. I feel it deserved at least 4 Academy Awards.

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